Hello! I'm Joe, a technology and design aficionado with a flair for creativity and a penchant for complex problem-solving. My academic path has been as unique as it is diverse, beginning with my time at SCAD in Savannah, Georgia, where I completed two design programs. Eager to delve deeper into the user experience realm, I continued my journey at Prime Digital Academy, graduating from their UX Design program.
I've brought these skills to life professionally, with three enriching years at Ecolab, where I honed my craft in user-centric design. The hands-on experience I gained there has been invaluable, providing me with a profound understanding of how design serves as the nexus between users and technology.
Yet, my curiosity didn't stop there. To fully embrace the technical aspects of digital creation, I completed a comprehensive full-stack development program at Prime Digital Academy. But why pause the learning there? Currently, I'm immersed in an advanced course on UX/UI for game developmentā€”a testament to my lifelong commitment to education and growth.
In the realm of leisure, you'll find me as a dedicated player in a Dungeons & Dragons campaign, where I thrive on the teamwork and evolving storylines that echo the dynamics of user experience.
With a robust background in UX and a fresh arsenal of full-stack development skills, my ambition is to craft seamless, player-centered experiences in game development. My goal is to create digital worlds that aren't just functional but are also immersive and intuitive.
As I look towards the horizon, I'm seeking new opportunities to blend my expertise in UX/UI design with game development. I am excited to join a team where I can continue to explore this synergy and leave a lasting impact on the digital experiences we craft together.
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